Fortnite settings not saving: How to make your settings stay saved in Chapter 3 Season 2

FortniteChapter 3 Season 2 is here, and you're probably playing it already instead of reading this. That is, of course, unless your Fortnite settings aren't saving.

If that's the case, then you're probably in a red hot fury and trying to figure out what's going on, and why you can't just have this one nice thing.

Well, good news, this isn't just a 'you' problem, this is the kind of issue that lots of people have had. That means that you too can come out of the other side of this annoying glitch.

So, here's how to fix the Fortnite settings not saving glitch.

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How to make sure your Fortnite settings stay saved

This bug is often caused because of a file error. You can fix this by changing the properties of the GameUserSettings file.

Head to "whatever your PC user name is"/AppData/Local/FortniteGame/Saved/Config/WindowsClient.

In here, right-click on GameUserSettings.ini, select properties and then unselect the Read-Only Attribute at the button before hitting Apply. Once you've done this, relaunch Fortnite.

Now you'll be able to save your Fortnite settings again by going into the game and setting them up.

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Fortnite settings not saving
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Credit Epic Games

Other Potential Fixes

The above remedy will normally work in the vast majority of cases. But just in case it doesn't, here are a few other potential solutions you can try:

  • Start by verifying the integrity of the game files. To do this, navigate to the game in your Library and click on the three dots. Once open, click Verify in the drop-down navigation. This can take a few minutes to complete. Once finished, try launching the game again.
  • If you are using Windows 11, then something called Controlled Folder Access may be causing an issue. This is a feature that prevents software from modifying files that are in protected folders. To disable it:\
    • Double-click the system tray icon for Windows Security. 
    • Select the Virus and threat protection tab in Windows Security. 
    • Choose Manage ransomware protection.
    • Finally, disable the Controlled folder access by turning the toggle switch off.

if nothing seems to be helping, we'd recommend contacting Epic Games support for further assistance.

What are the best Fortnite settings?

Generally speaking, you'll have your own preferences but there are some things that are well worth considering to get the best possible experience.

You should always set your Display Resolution to your monitor's native resolution, though occasionally toning that down can help if your PC is struggling. You'll want to keep your monitor in mind for Frame Rate Limit too, which should be set just a little higher than the refresh rate of your monitor.

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View Distance should ideally be Far or Epic, and you can turn off Shadows as they look nice but don't affect gameplay. It's worth turning Effects, and Post Processing to Low too, as it'll help your PC run better.