Fortnite Deploy Alien Nanites Not Working: How to fix Alien Nanites Challenge in Season 7

If you are struggling with the Season 7 Fotnite Alien Nanites Challenge won't working, don't worry! You are not alone. The Alien Nanites Challenge is a legendary quest added to Fortnite by Epic Games. Nanites are a new throwable item/crafting ingredient. They have some...interesting effects on the battlefield. Unfortunately, a lot of users are currently unable to deploy alien nanites in the game.

Because of this issue, a lot of users are reporting problems when they try to complete this challenge, and asking for a solution. Here's the rundown on what we know.

How to fix Deploy Alien Nanites challenge

It's important to note that you won't be able to complete this challenge until you've completed the other legendary quests - interacting with a CB radio, placing welcome gifts in Holly Hatchery, and getting orders from Sloane on a payphone. So make sure you've ticked all these off before attempting the Nanites challenge.

For users who have done everything else, and are still struggling, is there anything you can do? Well, there have been some suggestions by other players, that appear to have worked:

  • Try throwing without aiming - simply equip your item and press fire.
  • Other users have reported that throwing the Nanites at their character's feet has worked for them

Give these solutions a try, and see if they work for you.

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What is the Alien Nanites challenge?

The Alien Nanites challenge is one of Fortnite's so-called Legendary Quests for week 5 of Season 7. It's only available to complete until July 14th, and will earn you 30000 xp. The best places to find them are:

  • Alien mothership chests
  • Abductors chests
  • Floor loot
  • Basic loot chests

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