Apple Vision Pro Brings Ghostly Encounters to Your Home

Apple Vision Pro
Credit: Roméo A. on Unsplash | Free use under the Unsplash License.

Apple Vision Pro
Credit: Roméo A. on Unsplash | Free use under the Unsplash License.

An interesting feature has been unveiled in the Apple Vision Pro that blurs the lines between reality and the supernatural. This feature can make ghosts appear in your house.

With features like this, the Apple Vision Pro will turn our homes into a real-life 'Ghostbusters' scenario, blurring the lines between reality and the supernatural.

Boo! Apple's Got a New Ghost

NathieVR, an AR/VR Content Creator, posted on X about an app that makes ghosts appear in your house. It is called Hauntify, which scans your rooms in real-time and finds the perfect spots to scare you.

Hauntify Mixed Reality is a game that scans your environment and looks for places to put ghosts. This could turn your own house into a fun horror game. In the game, ghosts hide behind walls and furniture, mysteriously mapping the scene as you play.

Its realistic graphics and sound effects can create an incredibly immersive and frightening atmosphere, blurring the lines between reality and fiction. The application is available on the App Store for $7.99.

Can You Survive the Ghostly Attack?

Hauntify Mixed Reality
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Credit: David Montecalvo | Scary MR Horror Game | Apple | Free use for promotional purposes.

Scary MR Horror Games, the developers of Hauntify, have incorporated some safety measures to make sure users can enjoy the game without any accidents.

  • There is a set speed limit for how fast the user moves while wearing the Apple Vision Pro.
  • A safety feature makes the ghosts more transparent when the user moves. It ensures that the ghosts don't affect the user's visibility.
  • To give the ghost a chance to haunt, make sure to look around when the headset scans and generates a mesh. This will help the application navigate your environment better and offer a more thrilling experience.

Note: Hauntify is still in its experimental stages. The current application available is a light version of the original Hauntify. The developers are constantly evolving it, and all users are welcome to join their discord server and share their thoughts and experiences with the community.

This immersive experience could be a compelling selling point for the Apple Vision Pro. For your safety, ensure you play Hauntify in a well-lit and uncluttered environment, and familiarize yourself with the safety guidelines before starting. Hauntify is guaranteed to offer a thrilling and chilling experience – but remember, it's just a game!