Andrew Garfield says he's ‘done’ denying his involvement in Spider-Man: No Way Home

The Amazing Spider-Man actor Andrew Garfield could be coming back to play the webhead in No Way Home. Well, after multiple credible leaks, it would appear that he's definitely coming back. However, he won't admit in.

In fact, Garfield has seemingly made it a running gag to vehemently deny his involvement in the movie. From claims of Photoshop on Jimmy Fallon to claiming he didn't get “a call” on a podcast, the actor's had fun defending his (possible) NDA. However, it appears he's done.

Andrew Garfield tired of denying Spider-Man: No Way Home rumours

In an Actually Me video for GQ, Andrew Garfield was met once again with a question about No Way Home. As part of the press cycle for Tick, Tick, Boom, the actor responded to fan questions on social media. For example, Garfield denied a long-standing rumour that he's an avid stamp collector.

However, as he came to YouTube, The Amazing Spider-Man actor was met with his infamous denial on Jimmy Fallon. One comment said: “Godammit Jimmy, why didn’t you ask him about the VIDEO instead of the photo? I’d love to see what he'd come up with to dodge that.”

Immediately, Garfield retorted, chuckling at the comment but clearly exhausted from the rumours. Nevertheless, the actor responded:

“Listen, at this point... I'm done. We’ll all find out when the movie comes out, and we'll either be very disappointed or we’ll be very happy. Or someone will say, “I told you so” or another person will say “I told you so”. We’ll all find out. I'm sorry in advance.”

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Is Andrew Garfield actually in Spider-Man: No Way Home?

While the actor literally can't confirm his involvement in the new Spider-Man movie, we're almost certain he's in the film. For example, the recent video leak of the actor as Spidey looks like modern Andrew Garfield.

While the video has been claimed as a deepfake, the video shows not a single sign of deepfake rendering. Not only can we see that, but deepfake experts have also claimed the video is real.

As the actor said, we’ll finally find out whether or not Garfield is in the new movie this December. While there are signs in trailers that he'll return, the final film will hopefully show the wall-crawler in full glory.

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